Key Services

Custom Content Development

Create customized educational content tailored to the specific needs and goals of colleges, corporates, training institutes or individual

Assessment and Testing Solutions

Quizzes, Assessments, and exams to evaluate learner progress

Reporting and Analytics

Offer tools for tracking and analyzing learner progress and engagement to measure the effectiveness of the programs

Course and Instructional Design

Design courses and programs that are pedagogically effective and engaging

LMS Implementation

Set up and configure an LMS, Serves as the central platform for managing and delivering e-learning content

Consultation and Needs Assessment

Conducting needs assessments and consulting to determine the most appropriate e-learning solutions for the organization

Content Conversion

Animated PowerPoint Presentation, Interactive Content Design/ Interactive Simulation, Animated Videos

Content Hosting and Delivery

Offer hosting and delivery services, ensuring content is accessible and available to learners

Maintainance Services

Training and Onboarding, User Support and Helpdesk, Content Updates and Maintenance

Advance Services

Accessibility Services

Ensuring e-learning content is accessible to all learners, including those with disabilities, is a critical service. This includes adherence to web accessibility standards like WCAG

Compliance and Certification Services

Ensuring that e-learning programs meet industry-specific or regulatory compliance standards and can issue certifications where required

Content Localization and Internationalization

Adapting e-learning content for global audiences by providing translation and localization services