Stages of Course Development

Stage 1: Course Analysis

Course design plan

Course overview with learning activities and assessment details of each topic.

Defining the course and unit objectives

The purpose of the course will be described. With this the course and each topic objective will also be given based on bloom’s taxonomy.

Mapping the objectives with assessments

The course objectives will be mapped with unit or topic objectives to frame relevant assessment questions.

Defining the assessments

Based on the requirement of the course, suggest different types of assessment questions and build them.

Suggestive plan for course enhancement

Suggest advanced learning activities and tools.

Course Analysis

Research on market position of the course

Research how the course is globally represented and the potential of enhancing the present program.

Stage 2: Course Design

Course Design

Static designed PowerPoint

The PowerPoint slides will have basic design with no animation.

Animated PowerPoint

The PowerPoint slide will have designs with animation.

Audio embedded PowerPoint

The animated PowerPoint of selected topics will have audio.

Lecture notes

The notes from the experts will be systematically written, copy edited and designed with cover page, header and footer.

Interactive learning materials

Small topic related examples will be developed using software.

Micro videos

The section of the topic that needs explanation will be converted as short videos with explanations done by SME.

Stage 3: Building Course in LMS

Additional resources

Suggestion of external open source videos or articles to enhance learning.

Question bank

Develop a complete set of different types of questions. This will help the SMEs to design their own test papers.

Grading system

Customized grading system for the course.

Grading analysis

Advanced grading process.

Technical support

Basic training on how to use the LMS and support while they are using.

Course Specific

If there are any specific online tool.

LMS Development


Needed for a particular subject.